ONE Broth-Salmonella Basea selective medium for the recovery of Salmonella species in a single enrichment step
Cuadro resumen kits y técnicas de alérgenos (pdf 2,1 Mb).
Descripción de los kits de ELISA, sensibilidades y protocolo de trabajo (protocolo único).
Limites de detección (LOD) y límites de cuantificación (LOQ).
Kit | Descripción | Tiempo de incubación |
KIT3056 | AlerTox ELISA Coconut | 60 min |
KIT3057 | AlerTox ELISA Lupine | 60 min |
KIT3051 | AlerTox ELISA Sesame | 60 min |
KIT3058 | AlerTox ELISA Mustard (mostaza blanca, negra y marrón) |
60 min |
KIT3055 | AlerTox ELISA Macadamia | 60 min |
KIT3053 | AlerTox ELISA Cashew | 60 min |
KIT3047 | AlerTox ELISA Soy (STI = Inhbidor de la tripsina de la soja) |
60 min |
KIT3052 | AlerTox ELISA Walnut | 60 min |
KIT3048 | AlerTox ELISA Peanut | 60 min |
KIT3050 | AlerTox ELISA Hazelnut | 60 min |
KIT3049 | AlerTox ELISA Almond | 60 min |
KIT3054 | AlerTox ELISA Pistachio | 60 min |
KIT3046 | AlerTox ELISA Egg (proteínas de clara de huevo) |
60 min |
KIT3044 | AlerTox ELISA Lysozyme | 60 min |
KIT3045 | AlerTox ELISA Ovalbumin | 60 min |
KIT3043 | AlerTox ELISA Casein | 60 min |
KIT3041 | AlerTox ELISA Milk (Caseína y BLG) | 60 min |
KIT3042 | AlerTox ELISA BLG | 60 min |
KIT3059 | AlerTox ELISA Crustacean | 60 min |
KIT3060 | AlerTox ELISA Fish | 60 min |
Discos con carga normalizada de acuerdo con los estándares CLSI, DIN, EUCAST, BSAC, y SFM
Tolerancia de la carga de los discos:
WHO: 75% - 125%
FDA: 67% - 150%
DIN: 90% - 125%
OXOID: 90% - 125%
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Listado completo de todos los discos de antibiograma.
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Dispensador de discos de antibiograma.
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Datos EUCAST (tamaños de halos, Antimicrobial wild type distributions of microorganisms). |
Cuadro resumen en español (pdf 2,1 Mb).
Residue Kit Range | Kit | Descripción | Proteína objeto | Límites de calibración del Kit mg/kg (ppm) |
Tiempo de incubación |
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Detección de alergenos (proteinas de huevo y leche) en vino
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Folleto descriptivo |
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ESARD-48 Residuo de Almendra |
La almendra (Prunus dulcis L.) pertenece a un grupo de alimentos que normalmente se denominan "frutos secos". | Proteína de almendras termoestable específica |
0.5 a 5.0 ppm Proteína de almendras |
30 min |
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ESMRDBLG Residuo de beta-lactoglobulina |
La beta-lactoglobulina (BLG) es la proteína más importante del suero en rumiantes y cerdos, y es el principal antígeno que estimula la hipersensi-bilidad inmunitaria en lactantes. | Bovina Beta-lactoglobuiina bovina | 0.1 a 1.0 ppm Beta-lactoglobulina | 40 min |
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ESBWPRD Residuo de proteína de trigo sarraceno |
El trigo sarraceno (Fagopyrum esculentum) es un alérgeno alimentario muy común en Corea, Japón y otros países. | Proteína de harina de trigo sarraceno | 2.5 a 25.0 ppm Proteína de trigo sarraceno | 40 min |
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ESCASPRD Residuo de Caseina |
La caseína es la proteína fundamental de la leche. Representa aproximadamente el 80% del total de las proteínas de la leche. Es muy utilizada en la industria alimentaria junto con derivados y aislados de la leche. | Caseina bovina |
1.0 a 10.0 ppm Leche desnatada en polvo | 40 min |
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ESCRURD Residuo de tropomiosina de crustáceos |
La tropomiosina es una proteína del músculo que también se encuentra en crustáceos y que se ha identificado como el principal alérgeno de estos animales. | Tropomiosina de crustáceos | 0.05 a 5.0 ppm Tropomiosina | 55 min |
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ESERD-48 Residuo de huevo |
El huevo de la gallina es una de las causas más frecuentes de alergias alimentarias en lactantes y niños pequeños. Dos de los principales alérgenos de la clara de huevo son la ovoalbúmina y el ovomucoide. | Ovomucoide Ovalbúmina | 1.0 a 5.0 ppm Proteína de la clara de huevo |
30 min |
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ESEGG-48 Residuo de huevo aumentado |
El huevo de la gallina es una de las causas más frecuentes de alergias alimentarias en lactantes y niños pequeños. Dos de los principales alérgenos de la clara de huevo son la ovoalbúmina y el ovomucoide. | Ovomucoide | 1.0 a 10.0 ppm Polvo de huevo |
40 min |
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ESGLI-48 Residuo de gliadina |
La gliadina es una proteína presente en el trigo que se puede utilizar como indicador del contenido total de gluten. Este kit está diseñado para medir bajos niveles de gliadina, dentro de 2,5-25 PPM, en materias primas, muestras ambientales y productos alimentarios terminados. | Omega-gliadina | 2.5 a 25.0 ppm Gliadina | 75 min |
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ESHRD-48 Residuo de avellanas |
La avellana (Corylus avellana) pertecenece a un grupo de alimentos que normalmente se denominan "frutos secos". | Proteína de avellanas termoestable específica | 0.5 a 5.0 ppm Proteína de avellanas | 30 min |
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ESLFP-48 Residuo de altramuz |
En los últimos años se ha estado produciendo harina de altramuz (Lupino) a partir de semillas de altramuz, y su popularidad ha ido aumentando como ingrediente en una amplia variedad de alimentos como alternativa a la harina de trigo. | Proteína de altramuz | 0.5 - 5.0 ppm Proteína de harina de altramuz | 55 min |
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ESMUS Residuo de mostaza |
La mostaza es un alimento que figura como alérgeno alimentario en la Directiva Europea 2003/89/CE y debe incluirse, cuando proceda, bajo la legislación de etiquetado correspondiente en lo que respecta a los alérgenos de productos alimentarios | Proteína de semilla de mostaza | 1.0 a 10.0 ppm Proteína de semilla de mostaza | 75 min |
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ESPRDT-48 Residuo de cacahuete |
Los cacahuetes son una de las principales causas de alergias alimentarias tanto en niños como en adultos. El Residuo de cacahuete Elysa Systems detecta el alérgeno termoestable Ara h2, junto con el Ara h1 y otras proteínas fundamentales de los cacahuetes. | Ara h1 Ara h2 Otras proteínas de cacahuete |
1.0 a 15.0 ppm Proteína de cacahuete | 30 min |
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ESSESRD Residuo de proteína de semilla de sésamo |
La semilla de sésamo (Sesamum indicum) se ha reconocido como uno de los alérgenos principales en varios países, entre los que se incluyen Canadá, Israel y Australia. | Albúmina 2S termoestable | 0.5 a 5.0 ppm Proteína de semilla de sésamo | 60 min |
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ESSRD-48 Residuo de soja |
El creciente consumo de productos de soja ha convertido la identificación y caracterización de los principales alérgenos de la soja en un punto central de la investigación. El inhibidor de la tripsina y otras proteínas de la soja han sido identificados como antigénicos. | lnhibidor de tri psi na de soja (STI) | 1.0 a 5.0 ppm Proteína de soja |
55 min (bebidas) 130 min (alimentos cocinados) |
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ESSOYPRD Residuo de proteína de soja aumentado |
El creciente consumo de productos de soja ha convertido la identificación y caracterización de los principales alérgenos de la soja en un punto central de la investigación. El inhibidor de la tripsina y otras proteínas de la soja han sido identificados como antigénicos. | STI más otras proteínas de soja | 2.5 a 25.0 ppm Proteína de harina de soja |
75 min |
ESSWB-10 Food Allergen Swab Kit |
For use with ELISA SYSTEMS Food Allergen test kits. |
10 x Sterile Swabs 10 x Sterile Swab wetting solution |
ANTISUEROS BACTERIANOS (Listado completo en pdf)
Alkalescens-DisparAgglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Bordetella parapertussisAgglutinating sera for serological identification of Bordetella cultures by rapid slide agglutination test.
Bordetella pertussisAgglutinating sera for serological identification of Bordetella cultures by rapid slide agglutination test.
Brucella abortusAgglutinating sera for serological identification of Brucella cultures by tube agglutination test. Also for use as positive control for stained Brucella suspensions.
Brucella melitensisAgglutinating sera for serological identification of Brucella cultures by tube agglutination test. Also for use as positive control for stained Brucella suspensions.
E. coli Polyvalent 2 (types O26, O55, O111, O119, O126)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli Polyvalent 3 (types O86, O114, O125, O127, O128)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli Polyvalent 4 (types O44, O112, O124, O142)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O111 : K58 (B4)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O112 : K66 (B11)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O114 : K90 (B)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O119 : K69 (B14)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O124 : K72 (B17)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O125 : K70 (B15)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O126 : K71 (B16)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O127 : K63 (B8)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O128 : K67 (B12)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O142 : K86 (B)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O18c : K77 (B21)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O26 : K60 (B6)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O44 : K74 (L)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O55 : K59 (B5)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type O86 : K61 (B7)Agglutinating sera for serological identification of E. coli serotypes by slide and/or tube agglutination tests.
E. coli type H7
Haemophilus influenzae type aAgglutinating sera for identification of H. influenzae by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Haemophilus influenzae type bAgglutinating sera for identification of H. influenzae by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Haemophilus influenzae type cAgglutinating sera for identification of H. influenzae by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Haemophilus influenzae type dAgglutinating sera for identification of H. influenzae by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Haemophilus influenzae type eAgglutinating sera for identification of H. influenzae by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Haemophilus influenzae type fAgglutinating sera for identification of H. influenzae by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group AAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group BAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group CAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group DAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group W135Agglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group XAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group X-Z, W135Agglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group YAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Group ZAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Neisseria meningitidis Polyvalent Groups A-DAgglutinating sera for identification of N. meningitidis by rapid slide agglutination and CIE procedures.
Proteus OX19Agglutinating sera for use as positive control for stained Proteus suspensions by tube agglutination test.
Proteus OX2Agglutinating sera for use as positive control for stained Proteus suspensions by tube agglutination test.
Proteus OXKAgglutinating sera for use as positive control for stained Proteus suspensions by tube agglutination test.
Salmonella H (1, 2)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (1, 5)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (1, 6)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (1, 7)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (a)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (b)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (d)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (E) Polyvalent for eh, enx, enzl5Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (eh)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (enx)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (enz15)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (f, g)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (G) Polyvalent for gm, gp, fg, gq, gst, fgt, gms, gmt, gt, gmq, gpuAgglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (gm)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (gp)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (gq)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (gst)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (k)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (L) Polyvalent for lv, lw, lz13, lz28Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (L) Polyvalent for lv, lw, lz13, lz28, lz38Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (lv)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (lw)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (mt)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (r )Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (y)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z10)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z27)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z29)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z36)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z38)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z4, z23)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H (z6)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H ©Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H Polyvalent Phase 2 (1, 2, 5, 6, 7)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H Polyvalent Phases 1 & 2Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 1 (b, d, E, r)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 2 (b, E, k, L)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella H Rapid Diagnostic 3 (d, E, G, k)Agglutinating sera for identification of flagellar H antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also used as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 10 (Group E1)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 11 (Group F)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 13, 22 (Group G)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 14 (Group H)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 15 (Group E2)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 16 (Group I)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 17 (Group J)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 18 (Group K)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 19 (Group E4)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 2 (Group A)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 20 (Group C2)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 21 (Group L)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 27 (Group B)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 28 (Group M)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 30 (Group N)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 35 (Group O)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 38 (Group P)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 39 (Group Q)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 4 (Group B )Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 40 (Group R)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 41 (Group S)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 5 (Group B)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 6,7 (Group C1)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 8 (Group C2)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factor 9 (Group D)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Factors 3,10,15,19 (Group E)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Polyvalent (Group A - G)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O Polyvalent (Group A - S)Agglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Salmonella O/ViAgglutinating sera for identification of somatic O antigens of Salmonella strains by slide and/or tube agglutination tests. Select sera also for use as positive controls for stained Salmonella suspensions.
Shigella boydii Polyvalent 1 (1 to 6)Agglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Shigella boydii Polyvalent 2 (7 to 11)Agglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Shigella boydii Polyvalent 3 (12 to 15)Agglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Shigella dysenteriae Polyvalent (1-10)Agglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Shigella flexneri Polyvalent (1 to 6, X & Y)Agglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Shigella sonnei Phases 1 & 2Agglutinating sera for identification of Shigella cultures by rapid slide agglutination tests.
Vibrio cholerae PolyvalentSuero aglutinante de Vibrio cholerae.
E. coli type O86 : K61 (B7)
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Galerías de identificación MICROBACTTM.
► Listeria ► Gram negativos.
El Software de ayuda a la identificación Microbact2009, se cede de manera gratuita por consumo de las galerías. |
Galerías de identificación RapIDTM Systems.
► Inoculación en un solo paso. Sin cúpulas ni burbujas. ► Resultados en 4 horas. ► Enterobacterias y G-, No fermentadores, Levaduras, Anaerobios...
Software de ayuda a la identificación de acceso on-line y gratuito. Sin suscripciones, pagos adicionales ni compromisos. |
AN0025A AnaeroGen 2,5 litros. Sobres de anaerobiosis, no necesitan la adición de agua ni catalizador.
Caja de 10 sobres. |